Sunday, September 29, 2019

Congress’ Failure to Exercise Oversight of Federal Bureaucracy Essay

Debate sees few swings at Romney – Mitt Romney’s opponents thought criticizing him during the debate would affect his chances at winning. Heading into primary, GOP finds itself stuck – GOP has mixed feelings about the front-runner and unable to decide on an alternative. A Strong defense for Obama – President Barack Obama speaks about the Defense Strategic Review, outlining Defense budget priorities and cuts. Critics of Va. supermax prison doubt isolation is the solution – A lot of critics think isolation has no solution yet worse affects. Iran calls U. S. rescue of fishermen humanitarian- Iran asks U. S. Navy to help rescue Iranian fisherman who were held captive by pirates Obamas Pivot on Defense- Obama has a pivot to take away ward in Iraq and Afghanistan and move them to 21st century priority china and the Pacific First lady is formidable presence, new book asserts- â€Å"Michelle Obama’s tough personal criticism of her husband and protectiveness of his public image have routinely irritated, and at times outraged, President Obama’s top advisers. The fallacy of investment equaling innovation- Overspending ultimately encourages medical innovations of incalculable value. Sharp cuts to health-care spending could lead us to lose out on those innovations. PlanB advocates take their case to Obama’s science chief- Advocates took PlanB pill to Obama’s science chief to make a controversial decision last month to continue requiring that young teens get the drug only by prescription. Researchers in L. A. craft survey to gauge strength of gang ties-Researchers in Los Angeles think they have a test to measure how likely a gang member is to leave the gang.

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