Monday, January 27, 2020

Discrimination Against Obese People Health And Social Care Essay

Discrimination Against Obese People Health And Social Care Essay Obesity discrimination has a great impact on health care. The healthcare may be more critical of obese individuals. Some primary care physicians may be less attentive to treating obesity than other ailments as well. Overweight individuals seem to pick up on the negative feelings: studies show obese individuals tend to delay going to the doctor even for routine visits. There is no exception for radiographer the impact of obesity. To improve the image quality a certain amount of radiation is needed to go through the body in obese patient. And that is higher than normal doses of radiation in order to obtain X-ray images. Also obesity has impact on the surgical options for obese patients, the anatomy and imaging of gastric bypass surgery, and how to recognize and treat surgical complications of bariatric surgery. Obese patients need to purchase larger wheelchairs, larger beds and even larger diagnostic imaging machines. 1b.Reading the background of Obesity, and how people are becoming Obese, will help me to gain a close understand of how obese people feeling about themselves and how discrimination effects obese people. It will help me to see the obese people as an illness not blame them because of their weight. As a Radiography student I should deal with all patients equally. If those issues above has impact on health care provider, it is also has psychological impact on obese patient. 2a. In this annotated bibliography I would like to convey to the reader, that obesity always is not individual fault, there may be other factor such as medical condition and disease which make people obese. By discrimination obese people we may put their self-esteem and social interaction down. I would also like to convey to the reader how I have researched my chosen topic, how I changed my search each time to get the appropriate articles required. 2b.The title for my Annotated Bibliography would be `Stigma and discrimination against obese people`. 3a. The first search I carried out was a Google search. I carried out a different search using Google Scholar online to find journal articles for critiquing. I used Birmingham City University web site. From the main library website, I clicked on electronic resources A to Z. CINAHL plus with Full Text and MEDLINE was my databases to find a peer reviewed articles. 3b. First I was looking to a Google search to have a background reading of my topic. So I put obesity in search box and I had About 39,500,000 results. Then I modified my search by adding obesity and discrimination, I got about 4,570,000 results and from there I had my relevant titles. Again I modified my search again by entering additional search terms `in Radiology`, which I got About 1,650,000 results and I had two of my supporting sources from there. Then I searched in Google Scholar I Put obesity and Discrimination from 2000 to 2011and from there I find two articles of my key sources. I carried out a different search using Google Scholar online to find journal articles for critiquing. Then I went to Birmingham city university website and I clicked on electronic resources A to Z.I start with Cinhal plus with full text. I logged in and in search box put obesity as a key word, then I ticked the full text and peer review to find my articles. These are good sources because they are peer reviewed articles. Then I clicked search, I had 4515 results. In first result I found one of my supporting sources. Again I modified my search by adding discrimination on search box. And I got 2483 results. I linked them with and, so I got 38 results. From there I got three key sources which I will critique them and it is relevant to my topic. To find more articles I changed my databases to Medline and I did same steps for my articles. When I liked ob esity and discrimination with and, I had 279 results. Again I had two key sources and one supporting sources for my assignment. I chose which articles were most useful by looking at the date they were published and whether the information contained is still relevant to todays situation. I also tried to find sources from a variety of locations but found some unhelpful. And I ended my search. 4a. Two articles critiquing: Development and Psychometric Testing of the Nurses Attitudes Towards Obesity and Obese Patients (NATOOPS) Scale Lorraine Watson, Kathleen Oberle, Danielle Deutscher Research in Nursing and Health, 2008, 31, 586 593 Being fat in todays world: a qualitative study of the lived experiences of people with obesity in Australia. Samantha L. Thomas PhD, Jim Hyde PhD, Asuntha Karunaratne BMedSci (Hons), Dilinie Herbert MBioMedSci (Part 1) and Paul A. Komesaroff MB BS FRACP PhD 2008 The Authors, Journal Compilation, 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Health Expectations, 11, pp. 321 330 Introduction The above two articles are of two studies to look into the obesity stigmatisation in two different aspects. In the first article, the attitudes of the health care professionals, and on this occasion nurses, towards obese individuals have been studied using psychometric analysis. The second article is about a study designed to look into how obese individuals feel in themselves about public perception and discrimination based upon their body weight, which is more like looking into the original side of the argument and that is to find out when, how and why such stigmatisation has developed. Critique There is no doubt that obesity stigma does exist just like other forms of discrimination in the society based upon race, ethnic origin and having an underlying illness such as HIV. The authors of the first article have started well by talking about the basic principles and reviewing a lot of literatures about similar previous studies with regards to health care professionals attitudes towards their obese patients. The method was good with a considerable number of professional nurses participated in it and, in my opinion, the NATOOPS did cover the psychological aspects of nurse-patient relationship. The results were identical to most of the previous studies and the study simply confirmed the previous ideology that negative attitudes towards obese individuals even among health care professionals do exist. However, when there is a problem there must be a solution, and whilst the authors have nicely highlighted and confirmed this problem amongst nurses, they have failed to provide answers and means to change such attitudes. They have given a lot of details in identifying the problem, but have only briefly towards the end suggested how to tackle the issue and how to educate our nurses not to stigmatise based upon body weight. In my opinion, they should have made more suggestions to rectify problematic attitudes and behaviours. The second article is covering the other side of the argument; in other words, peoples real life experience to make a case that obesity stigmatisation does exist. It is a good qualitative study with a clever way to attract random obese individuals to participate through newspaper advertisement. The method, data collection and the data analysis was pretty good. The number of participants was satisfactory, though could have been higher. The quotes from the individuals were prime examples of how this section of society is victimised in different aspects of life including employment, education, health care and general public services such as transport. They describe a clear blame culture by professionals, policy makers and media. It is worth mentioning the fact that the opt-in nature of this study makes it biased towards the participants. Those chose to take part and to be interviewed for the study were generally the ones with bad experience. Personally, I feel that random selection would have been much better to reflect the true nature of how obese people in the community feel about themselves and how society treats them. Conclusion To sum it up, there is no question that society treats obese individuals unfairly and there are quite a few studies to confirm this fact. Health care professionals such as nurses are no exception, but we need to find ways to educate them and to change this mentality in order to improve the quality of health care given to everyone without discrimination. The qualitative study of the obese peoples real life experience is a good one but there is a self-selection bias within the sample as admitted by the authors themselves. More random and bigger studies are needed in this field I believe. 5a.and 5b Key Sources: Brownell, K. D .and, Puhl,R.(2003), Stigma and Discrimination in Weight Management and Obesity, The Permanente Journal, Vol 7, No. 3, online Available from:,[Accessed 17/03/2011] It covers the three common areas of weight-based discrimination which are education, health care and employment. Puhl, R. and Brownell, K. D. (2001), Bias, Discrimination and Obesity, Obesity Research, Vol 9, No. 12, online Available from:,[Accessed 26/02/2011] Puhl, R. M and Chelsea Heuer, A. (2010), Obesity Stigma: Important considerations for public health, American Journal of Public Health, Vol 100, No. 6, June 2010 online Available from:, [Accessed 16/02/2011] This article gives particular attention to the health issues surrounding obese individuals and they compared their public discrimination to similar socially disregarded group such as HIV patients as in this article. Thomas, S. L. Hyde, J. Karunaratne, A. Herbert, D. and Komesaroff, P. A. (2008), Being fat in todays world: a qualitative study of the lived experiences of people with obesity in Australia, Journal Compilation, 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Health Expectations, 11, pp. 321 330 online available from:,[Accessed 22/03/2011] Watson, L. Oberle, K. and Deutscher, D.(2008), Development and Psychometric Testing of the Nurses Attitudes Towards Obesity and Obese Patients (NATOOPS) Scale, Research in Nursing and Health, 2008, 31, 586 593 ,online Available from:[Accessed 25/03/2011] Supporting Sources: Hunte, H.E, and Williams, D.R.(2009),American Journal of Public Health, The Association Between Perceived Discrimination and Obesity in a Population-Based Multiracial and Multiethnic Adult Sample, Vol 99, No. 7,online Available from:, [Accessed 26/03/2011] This is more like a research study, and it mainly focuses on the psychological stress caused by discrimination based upon race, ethnic origin and other factors leading to obesity, rather than the other way round. Reynolds A, (2011), Obesity and Medical Imaging Challenges, Radiologic Technology, Vol.82 (3): 219-42, online Available at,[accessed 30/03/2011] Yanch, J. C. , Behrman, R.H. , Hendricks, M.J. , McCall J. H. ,(2009), Increased Radiation Dose to Overweight and Obese Patients from Radiographic Examinations, online Available from:,[Accessed 24/02/2011] This article explains and compares radiation dose to obese patient in compare with normal patient.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Male Infertility A Summary Health And Social Care Essay

Approximately 15 of twosomes dont win in bring forthing a gestation despite regular attempts, over the class of a twelvemonth, of unprotected sexual activity.1 A male physiological status issue is known in some 50 per centum of those instances and is entirely accountable in 20 per centum of all couples.2 Male sterility physiological conditions are attributed to a figure of causes together with minor factors including sex gland toxin secernment disfunction, bodily upsets, varicoceles, male generative secretory organ failure, ejaculatory upsets, and physiological conditions.3 It is critical to descry the cause ( s ) and supply intervention ( s ) if the implicit in issue is correctable. If a selected intervention is non available ; the beginning of the male issue physiological status is n't correctable, alternate picks like assisted reproduction techniques ( ART ) could exist.4 The pharmaceutical chemist plays a important function in separating medicines that contribute to male physiolo gical status, reding the twosome on curative medicines or compounds efficacious to handle physiological status, and advancing healthy life styles that minimize physiological status factors. The purpose of this paper is to bring forth a wide sum-up of the etiology, appraisal, and intervention of male physiological status.Definitions and EpidemiologyThe definition of sterility is considered by and large as the inability to recognize construct despite one twelvemonth of normal, unprotected intercourse.5 Within the USA, approximately eight million twosomes are distressed by this physiological status. For healthy immature twosomes, the likeliness of accomplishing gestation at intervals of one twelvemonth of fertility-focused activity is 84 per centum. Despite progresss within the designation and intervention of this physiological status, the successful gestation per centum remains constant.6 The latest rush in petitions for physiological status defect services has been attributed to a bi gger consciousness of intervention picks ; an improved rate of openness and credence of the physiological status, and a tendency toward delayed sexual activity and older aged parents both of which are ensuing in extra birthrate jobs.Male Regenerative PhysiologyThe testiss are comprised of Leydig, Sertoli, and specific root cells, that are apt for the syntheses of androgenic endocrines. The Sertoli cells line the seminal tubules within the testicles along side function of the Sertoli cells is to bring forth sex cell support, novice and sustain gametogenesis, and supply ordinance for the assembly of androgenic endocrine necessary for gametogenesis.7,8 The hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal ( HPG ) axis is the primary generative system that regulates endocrinal and sexual perform. The nervous construction is that in the integrative centre for the productive secernment axis, where it secretes gonadotropin-releasing secernment ( GnRH ) , that releases LH ( LH ) and gonadotrophin ( FSH ) from the ductless secretory organ. When the pituitary, ICSH interacts with receptors on the Leydig ‘s cell membrane within the testicles to synthesise and release androgenic follicle- exciting endocrine binds to the Sertoli cellular tissue receptors to get down and continue gametogenesis. Synthesis and gonadotrophins are regulated by system signals from the cardinal systema nervosum.7,8 Human reproduction needs fertilisation consisting the debut of sperm-containing fluids introduced through the female ‘s vagina. Throughout this event, erectile organ hard-on and interjection are parasympathetic activities and the systema nervosum controls erectile public presentation and semen. The sperm tubules, are a tubular web wound inside the testicles and carry organic structure unstable incorporating mature sperm cell to the urethra via the ejaculatory canals and into the vagina. Periurethral musculus contractions expel the organic structure fluid out of the channel and into the productive tract.7,8EtiologyAzoospermia is outlined because the absence of sperm cell within status within the azoospermic male is sub classified as pre-testicular, testicular, or post-testicular. Pre-testicular: common etiology than alternate causes of male physiological status, hypogonadotropic incompetency ( HH ) is caused by meager follicle-stimulating endocrine and ICSH secretions.2 These inadequacies end in deficient steroid secernment and gametogenesis. HH will originate non-inheritable GnRH lack, Fe overload, familial upsets, pituitary and nervous construction tumours, secernment to boot, general upsets like chronic illnesss, biological procedure lacks, and fleshiness are known as causes of HH.9 Lack: male generative secretory organ lack, typically stated as non-obstructive azoospermia, is apart from obstructor or HPG disfunction. This category of disfunction are frequently extra divided into male generative secretory organ failure. Non-inheritable failure will attest as abnormalcy, male generative secretory organ asepsis, abnormalcies. Non-heritable male generative secretory organ failure are frequently the consequences of injury, male generative secretory organ tortuosity, factors ( e.g. , medicines, general diseases, varicoceles ) , or surgeries that injury the bodily construction of the testes.3 Sing analysis of the overall male population about 40 per centum of work forces showing with male physiological status have varicoceles.10 Post-testicular Lack: typically stated as auto-preventative azoospermia, post-testicular lack is as a consequence of either ejaculatory obstructor of gamete bringing. This type of male physiological status is a is much less common than non-obstructive azoospermia, happens in about 40 per centum of work forces showing with azoospermia.2 The obstructor will go up from either the vessel deferens, epididymis or blurt out canals and may be familial or acquired.3 Idiopathic Sterility: In 30 to forty per centum of all work forces in the US, the underlying male sterility physiological conditions at issue are frequently unknown.3 These work forces normally have n't any old history of inauspicious result of physical scrutiny or traditional endocrinal research lab analysis. Ejaculate analysis reveals a attenuated assortment of sperm cell, motility, and tonss of unnatural sorts of gamete. These findings normally occur along and are termed oligo-astheno-teratozoospermia syndrome. disquieted male physiological status are frequently attributed to endocrine break as a consequence of environmental pollution, free O groups, or familial abnormalities.3 Medicines and Everyday Factors: Numerous substances are concerned as set uping the cause and impact of medical specialties is troublesome as a consequence of extra unknown factors and minimum sample sizes. Medicine could hold an consequence on male physiological status via uninterrupted sex gland onset toxicity effects, fluctuation of the HPG alliance, loss of interjection, public presentation or both, and alterations in sensed or existent sex drive.11 Recreational and illicit medicine, individually of together with intoxicant, baccy, marihuana, cocaine, and pep pills are on a regular basis cited as causes of both powerlessness and sterility. There are a assortment of medical specialties known as causes of this male physiological status together with psychotherapeutics pharmacologicals such as anti-hypertensives, endocrines, psychotropics, antidepressants, and antibiotics.11,12 Androgenic endocrine replacing is a good knowna common medical etiology of male generative wellness and has a known inauspicious impact on gametogenesis. Man-made vaginal oils or other sexual lubricators are known to suppress gamete motility and lead to either impermanent or lasting sterility. Natural-based lubricators, oil, and vegetable oil deficiency these effects on gamete and should be advocated as alternatives.13 A pharmaceutical chemist will advise the medicine sum-up of patients showing with male sterility male sterility physiological conditions to descry possible drug medical attention causes and graduated table back the necessity for them for farther or extra analysis.EvaluationThe American Urological Association ( AUA ) recommends both spouses of an ab initio sterile twosome receive showing if gestation has non occurred at intervals one twelvemonth of normal, unprotected intercourse. Earlier analysis is lower cost if a known physiological status issue exists or a male has intuitions about his birthrate probabilities.2 A old history of birthrate does non t exclude the likelines s of secondary physiological status. Work force with secondary physiological status are assessed in the same mode as work forces whom have n't initiated gestation. The feminine spouse ought to to boot bear analysis throughout as adult female ‘s generative anatomy is both more complex and capable to greater monthly cyclic fluctuations so males. The basic parts for the analysis of male physiological status embody an in deepness reappraisal of patient history, physical scrutiny, a lower limit of two seeds analyses, and secernment ratings his HPG axis. The patient ‘s past record of issues ( or environmental exposure as a beginning vector ) could find hazard factors and/or behavior forms that have an consequence on birthrate potency. Throughout the physical probe, elaborate attending is given to male secondary gender features. The prostate, scrotal constructions, and testicular constellations are appraised for markers of current or past infections, obstructors, or expansion. The usage of transrectal or external ultrasound, post-ejaculatory chemical analysis, and familial testing, that are obtained on as indicated. Semen analysis is ever warranted as the basic research lab appraisal for the analysis of faulty male physiological conditions.14 It ( laboratory analyses ) are by and large unequivocal sing seeds quality and volume, gamete concentration, motility, and morphology – with low borders of mistake. These consequences are besides compared with mention scopes and used to determine work forces with unnatural seeds parametric quantities whom could have the benefits of ART like in-vitro fertilisation ( IVF ) or intrauterine insemination ( IUI ) . Both of these options may include intracytoplasmic gamete injection ( ICSI ) . Work force with tunremarkable seeds analyses rarely are the beginning of infertility.1TreatmentSome sterile work forces can accomplish medically or surgically successful construct that is come-at-able with early intercession techniques. Treatment relies on the underlying etiology ab initio, so there needs a well-identified beginning ( s ) of the basic sterility issue for right intervention. If a treatable or correctable physiological status issue is known, it ought to be corrected with these acceptable medical or surgical therapies. Work force with incorrigible, untreatable, or unknown etiologies could hold success in ART. ART processs have been employed in the U.S. since the early 1980 ‘s and have radically enhanced birthrate rates. IVF / ICSI is an enhanced signifier of ART desinged to get the better of the most terrible sterile physiological status or azoospermia by shooting one gamete into the living substance of a mature egg. IVF-ICSI could be a intervention possibility for males with azoospermia, giving birth rates matching to those achieved with IVF while non those that are combined with ICSI.15 Azoospermic male generative secretory organ gamete extraction is used to surgically recover gamete which will be useable for IVF-ICSI ; the twosome should be carefully advised on the success rates of gamete harvest home, but it is likewise successful as IVF-ICSI. The hazards related to IVF-ICSI embody sex secretory organ hyper-stimulation syndrome, enlacing or more, perinatal complications, and familial disorders.16 Some twosomes opportunity ART ( an exceptionally expensive process ) while sing pre-analysis by an infertilitycondition specializer ; this is frequently unsafe because some six per centum of work forces evaluated have a important implicit in medical condition.5,17 Pretesticular Lack: Hyperprolactinemia is a serious upset refering the HPA ( hypothalamic-pituitary axis ) and is often mentioned as a sensible cause for HH. Fertility is besides improved by normalising lactogenic endocrine concentrations. Many medicines including Dopastat adversaries, SSRI ‘s ( selective 5-hydroxytryptamine re-uptake inhibitors ) , tricyclic anti-depressants, and elevated estrogen interventions may do hyper-prolactinemia and should be ended if possible in this circumstance.18 Dopamine agonists such as cabergoline or bromocriptine are the optimum interventions selected for most patients with hyperprolactinemia.18 Gonadotropins can be used in the intervention of HH with root causes of hypothalamic or pituitary syndromes non connected with hyper-prolactinemia. Human chorionic gonadotrophin ( human chorionic gonadotropin ) has organic actions similar to LH but has a increased half life. Chiefly initiated by itself at 1,500 to 2,000 IU – three times a hebdomad via intramuscular or hypodermic in the thigh or natess for 18 to 24 hebdomads. Then it is titrated at two-week meantimes to derive serum T factor concentrations between 310 and 520 ng/dL. Seminal fluid semen is appraised for spermatogenesis every two to four hebdomads. If sperm concentrations remain deficient after six to twelve months of therapy, the therapy should be supplemented with a FSH readying. Men sing human chorionic gonadotropin must be advised on the possible side effects such as gynecomastia ( hypertrophied chests ) , migraine concerns, and mastalgia ( breast hurting ) .19 FSH is compounded as or recombinant human FSH ( r-hFSH ) or human menopausal gonadotrophin ( hMG ) . Formulations of hMG contain refined, concentrated extracted parts of LH and FSH, while r-hFSH is comprised of merely FSH. hMG is the best pick overall because of comparable efficaciousness and markedly reduced monetary values when matched with r-hFSH. The first dose of hMG is 80 IU delivered at two twenty-four hours intervals and titrated to 160 IU. Though hMG is normally good accepted, concern, mastalgia, and injection site responses are normally described.20 GnRH therapy is an off-label usage for the intervention of HH caused by hypothalamic complaints. When nominal testosterone degrees are realized, the dosage is stabilized ; and testicular capacity and seminal fluid analyses are made every month. Problems such as haematoma, phlebitis and infection occur in about seven per centum of patients.21 Males utilizing GnRH therapy must be instructed by their physician to reexamine the needle interpolation site day-to-day and unwrap to the primary physician any tenderness, swelling or unstable leaking. Testicular Lack: Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism is a consequence of dysfunctional testesIt is defined by elevated gonadotrophins, lowered testosterone, oligospermia, or azoospermia. It is normally referred to as primary testicular failure. males with this status rarely win in paternity via intercourse due to seminiferous tubule impairment.22 Gonadotropin therapy ineffective under this circumstance, so IVF-ICSI is typically required for a positive result of fertilisation. The intervention of varicoceles remains extremely controversial. There is no consensus about the value of intercessions. One gold criterion clinical test suggested that a varicocelectomy in work forces with touchable varicoceles improved seeds factors and increased the opportunities of a self-generated gestation within one twelvemonth compared with surveillance.23 The AUA recommends varicoceles fix be made available as a possible redress to any twosome seeking to accomplish gestation if: the varicoceles is touchable, the twosome has a documented history of unproductiveness ; the female is fecund ; and the adult male has at least one untypical seminal fluid or sperm factors. IVF whether used with ICSI or non, can be considered when there is the basic ground to see handling a female sterility cause, notwithstanding the manifestation of varicoceles and suboptimal seeds values.10 Post-testicular Lack: Treatment picks for sterility due to clogging azoospermia take history of both IVF-ICSI and microsurgical techniques such as vasectomy reversals.24 Ejaculatory disfunction, specifically the inability to chuck out any seminal fluid, is treatable with alpha-adrenergic agonists that aid ejaculation.25 This attack can transform males with unsuccessful emanation to backward interjection and so seminal fluid is retrieved for reproduction intents. Idiopathic Sterility: The medical community is divided on the proper direction of idiopathic sterility. Any figure of medical therapies remain endeavores to better gestation rates irrespective of cogent evidence of efficaciousness. An AUA scrutiny of birthrate specializers cite clomiphene citrate ; human chorionic gonadotropin ; and anastrazole as typically prescribed medicines for idiopathic male infertility.26 Drumhead Infertility affects the U.S. , with several necessitating medical intercession to recognize gestation. It ‘s indispensable that each spouse be wholly evaluated for beginnings of the issue ( s ) in order to measure and enhance interventions ; and to minimise morbidity due to come-at-able implicit in medical conditions. The pharmaceutical chemists function in wellness attention, along with the primary sterility specializer, affords the opportunity to descry medicines with potentially inauspicious effects on birthrate ; suggest different medicine, and advocate patients on the right usage of medical specialties. Recent progresss in the etiology of sterility and the function of combinative therapies in ART have improved results for sterile twosomes. However extra analysis is required to determine the full scope of unknown causes of male physiological status and to develop simpler, more effectual and less dearly-won interventions.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Guidelines Essay

This article was created by: Jocelyn Howard and Jae Major with the purpose of helping teachers, who decided to produce their own teaching materials; they need to observe some advantages and disadvantages, important factors and guidelines. These aspects help them to provide a coherent design for teaching materials. First, different advantages and disadvantages are examined why teacher might choose to design their own materials. These are some advantages: contextualization: it is generic; it means they do not able to take in consideration the learning environment. The coursebook do not aim any specific group of learners, particular culture or educational context. Everybody is able to use that coursebook. There are a lack commercial materials and cost force the teacher-produce their own material as best option for both students and school. Another advantages is individuals needs, it refers to different aspects or needs of learners that must be taken in consideration by teacher-producer at the moment to create material. They are first language skills, multi-cultural groups, experiences, level of English and why they are learning? Also, to increase motivation and knowledge, engagement in learning, freedom are some aspects to take in consideration in personalization, another advantage. In contrast, the disadvantages for teachers who decided to produce materials are organized in three aspects such as: organization, quality and time. Organization: refers to coherence and clear progression, physical organization and storage material and clear direction. If there are not some order in principles and clearly well-organized system will be difficult to locate them for future material’s use. Second, factors to consider when designing materials: learners: teachers find out information about learners’ needs. After that you are able to create the material. In addition, the students learning needs: skill, preferences learning style, literacy level, interests and purpose of learning English as a second language. Also, curriculum and content: it must include the goals and objectives to keep close for going back and check it. Another important factor is the resources and facilities: teachers must be realistic; they need to adapt their materials to the environment where they work. After this, personal confidence and competence: it refers to the skills, knowledge and attitudes, copyright compliance: you must have to give credits when use resources of internet, and time: organized the place that you use for working are another main factors. Third, guidelines for designing effective English teaching materials: in general they provide a coherent design in materials which emphasize the learning skills and knowledge. ELT materials should be contextualized (guideline1): the curriculum is to give address, specific individual’s needs and the topic is meaningful. And then, in a real communication process, professor must be sure the materials they develop have a clear purpose (guideline 2). Guideline 3: teachers should teach how to learn, help to take advantages and opportunities for self-evaluation. So, metalanguage (out of the class) is an example of these opportunities. Besides, guideline 4: materials make the student focus on form. Guideline 5: produce materials and incorporate more than one skill. Guideline 6: it is not only written material, it’s also visual and spoken. Guideline 7: the materials must be connected between what you did and what will you do. Guideline 8: physical appearance of materials must be attractive to the learners. Guideline 9: the instructions must be clear and easy to follow by learners. Guideline 10: the materials must be adapted to the activities and the learners. In summary, when teachers make the decision of creating their own materials they should be taken in account the different advantages and disadvantages presenting in this text. Also, they need to consider the factors and guidelines which provide them the most important point for developing their own teaching materials.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Nature Of Dreams In John Steinbecks Of Mice And Men

Since the beginning of the 17th century people migrated to the United States seeking for a new life. That life was a dream that would grant success, freedom, and happiness. Immigrants came to America for themselves or for their families. Many came to escape persecution or poverty in their homeland. In essence, this is similar to the theme The Nature Of dreams in John Steinbecks dramatic novella Of Mice And Men and is proposed throughout in many ways to signify that dreams aren’t always going to happen. Throughout Steinbecks novella, the theme The Nature Of Dreams is presented by George and Lennie’s dream of owning their own land, Crooks, and his dream of equality, and Curley’s wife, with her dream of being a movie star. Those characters†¦show more content†¦In theory this gives you specific detail about the characters and their dreams even if we aren’t given particular details about them, like Curley’s wife. She would be a great example of this because she is only known as Curley’s wife and that’s it. Although we may not know her name, we are given some details of a dream she had that never came true. In chapter five we are given a short backstory of her dream when she’s having a conversation with Lennie. As Curley’s wife goes on to tell Lennie, â€Å"Nother time I met a guy, an’ he was in pitchers. Went out to the Riverside Dance Palace with him. He says he was gonna put me in the movies. Says I was a natural.† She continues on with â€Å"Coulda been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes—all them nice clothes like they wear. An’ I coulda sat in them big hotels, an’ had pitchers took of me. When they had them previews I coulda went to them, an’ spoke in the radio, an’ it wouldn’ta cost me a cent because I was in the pitcher. An’ all them nice clothes like they wear. Because this guy says I was a natural.†(89). This p roves the fact that Curley’s wife dream of being in the movies because she was told by this guy she met that said she was a â€Å" natural†. This is perfect evidence of her having a dream that never came true owning to the fact that we were told by Steinbeck that her dream was to be in the movies for being such a â€Å" natural†. Furthermore, Steinbeck demonstrates throughout theShow MoreRelatedJohn Steinbeck: An American Writer During the Great Depression1315 Words   |  6 Pagesthose at the very bottom of the society. (Wang, 2012) John Steinbeck (1902-1968), born in Salinas, California, is one of the most significant and representative American writers in that era. He is the winner of the Noble Prize for Literature in 1962. John Steinbeck’s living experience in California had a great influence on his writing. He grew up in one of the richest agricultural place. 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Such symbols include hands to represent labour, cards to signify chance and taking a risk, and finally, rabbits to suggest ideas about achieving one’s hopes and dreams. Symbols are a key central device in delivering meaning, as they consistently repeated throughout the narrative and are typically associated with the novella’s many characters. The hand is a significantRead MoreMice of Men Dreams of Commitment2273 Words   |  10 PagesOf Mice and Mein The Dream of Commitment. Louis Owens The Eden myth looms large in Of Mice and Men (1937), the playnovella set along the Salinas River a few miles south of Soledad (Of Mice and Men, p. 1). And, as in all of Steinbecks Califomia fiction, setting plays a central role in determining the major themes of this work. The fact that the setting for OfMice and Men is a Califomia valley dictates, according to the symbolism of Steinbecks landscapes, that this story will take place in a fallenRead MoreMice and Men Essay1035 Words   |  5 Pagesrespectively, John Steinbeck’s Of Mice And Men and Sean Penn’s Into The Wild illustrate how the fulfilment of one’s life, and their pursuit of happiness, hinge upon friendship, dreams, and one’s attitude towards life and happiness in general. Steinbeck’s 1937 novella Of Mice And Men illustrates the importance of friendship and dreams in a context of hardship and economic downturn. This is done by using George and Lennie and their dream of landown ership and material possession to demonstrate how dreams giveRead MoreThe American Dream1179 Words   |  5 Pagesthe 1930’s, John Steinbeck’s touching novella Of Mice and Men focuses on the working class of America and two men, George Milton and Lennie Small, as they work on a ranch in hopes of owning their own land. Set in the dusty town of Soledad, California, Steinbeck’s classic characters offer a parable about what it means to be human. George and Lennies ambition of owning their own ranch, and the obstacles that stand in the way of that ambition, reveal the impossibility of the American Dream, while theRead MoreOf Mice and Men2269 Words   |  10 PagesOf Mice and Men John Steinbeck World Literature Mrs. Finke December 7, 2012 Of Mice and Men: A Classic for the Ages Thesis: Despite some impurity Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck should be considered as a classic due to its honesty, truth, loveliness, justice and of good report. I. Introduction II. Impurity A. Swearing B. Violence C. Economic poverty D. Psychological corruption III. Honesty A. Steinbeck’sRead MoreOf Mice And Men Sexism Essay1047 Words   |  5 PagesJohn Steinbeck’s highly acclaimed Of Mice and Men is a classic American novella that paints a depressingly realistic portrait of America during the Great Depression in the 1930s. In this short read, Steinbeck tackles many issues that plagued the country during that time. His purpose in writing Of Mice and Men was to criticize some of those issues, such as sexism, the poor treatment of people with mental disabilities, and the facade of the American Dream. In 1920, women were finally granted suffrageRead MoreSociety In Anthem And John Steinbecks Of Mice And Men815 Words   |  4 PagesTrying times always push society to its limits and with that, show society’s true nature. This is displayed best in Ayn Rand’s Anthem and John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men; one set in a post-apocalyptic age where man struggles to rebuild and the other set during the Great-Depression. By comparing Ayn Rand’s message concerning the individual in society in Anthem to John Steinbeck’s in Of Mice and Men it is clear that one has a main message that society is a burden to the individual, while the other’sRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men864 Words   |  4 PagesMs. Kovacs English 11 17 April 2015 Predatory Nature â€Å" Our generation has no Great war, no Great Depression. Our war is spiritual. our depression is our lives.† (Chuck Palahniuk). In Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck suggest that the pursuit of happiness demon straight the inevitable failure of the American Dream. The migrant workers get oppress through physiological means. The migratory workers and lot of lowers class people have predatory nature against each other. They simulate them self to feel